IPO allotment of sanima general insurance on Friday 10:30 AM | सानिमा जनरल इन्सुरेन्स आइपिओ नतिजा

The allotment of Sanima General Insurance SGI will be done soon. According to the IPO issue manager, NIC Asia Capital the allotment will be done on October 15 Friday 8:30 AM

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Nearly nine lakh people have applied for the 3 million IPOs issued by Sanima General Insurance. However, as final verification from the banks is yet to be done, official figures are yet to come. Ramendra Rayamajhi, CEO of NIC Asia Capital, the sales manager of the IPO issued by Sanima Life, said that the allotment will be done before dashin . 

Click Here for General Insurance IPO Result

Rayamajhi also said that the final data was yet to come from the bank and permission from the regulatory body was yet to be obtained but the distribution would be completed a decade ago as work was being done at a fast pace.NIC Asia Capital has stated that it will try to distribute the IPO as soon as possible. According to the company, the IPO will be distributed after selecting the applications of the duplicates and preparing the final list. Shares will be distributed to 273,000 people at the rate of 10 lots through round robin and about six and a half lakh applicants will be left empty-handed.

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