Jyoti Life Insurance Company Limited IPO issue From 2077/11/21
Jyoti life insurance company limited (jlicl) is going to issue 66 lakh initial public offering (IPO) from (21 falgun 2077). The early closing date of this ipo is 26 falgun . Care rating Nepal has given care np BBB (is) rating for this IPO. (issuers with this rating are considered to offer a moderate degree of safety regarding timely servicing of financial obligations, in Nepal. Such issuers carry moderate credit risk) .this IPO is 30 percent of total authorized capital. 5% of 66 lakh ipo are allocated to mutual fund another 5 % of 66 lakh unit share are allocated to the employees of the company. Meanwhile, the general public will be applying for 594000 unit shares. The registered office of this insurance company is at Pokhara-9 Kaski and the central office of this company located at Shanta plaza, Kathmandu, Nepal. Many business personals are the promoter of this insurance company. The issue and sales manager of this IPO is NMB Capital Limited
How to apply on this IPO
Interested candidates can apply for this IPO through the ASBA members bank and financial institutions. The applicant who has meroshare application can apply online.
How many units should apply?
Interested candidates can apply from 10 units to 66 thousand units. Here we have heard the news that the total number of Demat account holders had reached 29 lakh. There was the attraction on the IPO of the previous insurance company was very much high so there is the chance of lottery at the IPO allotment time so it is good to apply 10 units for the one applicant.
Financial Status of Jyoti Life Insurance Company Limited
This insurance company has the authorized capital of 3 Arba.The issued capital of JLICL is 2 arba and 20 crore. The paid up capital of this insurance company is 1 Arba and 54 crores which will be 2 Arba 20 crore after the IPO allotment.
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