LLB second year(2078) Partial and Chance Result Published

Tribhuvan University Examination Controller office published the result of the LLB Second Year Exam Which was held in 2078 Chaitra and 2079 Baisakh. The examination controller’s office took 10 months to publish the result. 

The result can be viewed in two ways. One is from SMS and the other is from the website. 

Check LLB second-year result in SMS

If you want to view results from mobile. Please follow the following steps.
1. Go to your message box
2. Type 3LLB 
3. and, send it at 33624

After that, you will get the response message with the obtained marks.

Check LLB second-year results on the website

1. Visit Official TU Website:
2. Go to < VIEW RESULT > section on Homepage
3. Select “LL.B. (Regular) Second Year 2076” in the Select Result Section from Dropdown Menu

Official Result notice of exam controller office

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