Category: liberty energy ipo
लिवर्टिको आइपीओ ९८ प्रतिशत बिक्यो | Liberty’s IPO sold 98 percent
Liberty Energy has got the application 98% of the total issued IPO until Friday Evening. According to the NIBL Ace Capital, the Initial Public Offering has got One lakh Twelve thousand two hundred and twenty-six applications for thirty-five lakh seventy unit shares purchase. This is 98.8% of the total issued IPO. The company had 25%…
Liberty Energy IPO | Liberty Energy IPO from 19 August
Liberty Energy Company Limited will issue Thirty-Five Lakh Sixty-four thousand nine hundred and thirty units IPO share (35,64,930) from August 19 2020 to the general public.The early closing date of this IPO is 23 August 2020 likewise the late closing date of this IPO is 2 September 2020. This company has issued 1.5 million IPO…
Liberty Energy IPO Sale Open for locals from July 22 | IPO Nepal 2020 | Liberty Energy Company Limited IPO Open
The IPO, which was postponed due to the lockdown of Liberty Energy, will be reopened on July 22. The company is about to open IPO sale again as soon as the lockdown is easy. The company had issued and sold 1.5 million ordinary shares to the residents of the industry-affected areas since March 10. However,…