Category: loksewa job vacancy 2076

  • Loksewa Aayog announces vacancies for Kharidar

    Pubic Service commission (LOK SEWA AAYOG ) Anamnagar has published the notice about the continuity for the application of the vacancy of the kharidar (Rajpatra second class non technical. As on previous notice the last deadline was 2076/12/18 but now due to the situation created by the corona COVID 19 the deadline of application will…

  • Loksewa Exam Preparation Methods

    Loksewa Examination is the most awaited examination to all the Nepali Job seekers in Nepal. The authorizes HR recruitment department of the Nepal Government and the Government Organization and Corporation is Public Service Commission of the Nepal.There are different types of method for the preparation of Loksewa Examination in Nepal. We have listed some method…

  • loksewa Online Apply steps

    Government of Nepal has announced the vacancy Nayab Subba for the eligible Nepali candidate for the all seven province of the Nepal.The Candidate should be between the age of 21-35 for the male candidate and for female candidate the age limit is between 21-40 and for disable candidate the age limit is between same 21-40….

  • Vacancy announcement from Public Service Commission (Lok Sewa Aayog)

    Lok Sewa Aayog (Public Service Commission) (PSC) announces vacancy (published on Gorkhapatra Daily, 11 December 2019) for the position of Gazetted Officer 3rd level (non-technical). These positions will be fulfilled through open and inclusive competition. Nature of Examination: Written, Practical and Interview AGE LIMIT as on 31 December 2019: – Male: Should have completed 21…