Category: merolagani ipo result
Chandragiri Hills IPO allotment Date | Chandragiri Hills IPO Result Date | Chandragiri IPO result day | How to View IPO Result |
Global IME capital had done the IPO pre allotment of Chandragiri Hills Limited on Wednesday 20th January 2021. According to the Issue Manager, The allotment will be done on Friday 22nd January 2020 (2077 Magh 9th). The company’s IPO has received 17 times more applications than the issued units. The company’s IPO has received applications…
General Insurance IPO Allotment | General Insurance IPO Result | GIC IPO result
The IPO of General Insurance sold to the public has been distributed on Tuesday, September 8. A total of 524,054 applicants have been left empty-handed in the distribution held at the office of NIBL Ace Capital, the manager of the company’s share issue and sale.As many as 270,000 applicants applying for the company’s shares have…
Reliance Insurance IPO Result Published, 20509 applicant returns empty hand | Reliance Life IPO Result | Merolagani IPO result | Sharesansar IPO Result | Bizpati IPO Result | ipo allotment of reliance life insurance
Reliance Life Insurance’s IPO has been allotted. The IPO of the company, which was launched by the insurance company on August 19, was distributed at the issue manager’s office in Sanima Capital on Friday. According to sales manager Sanima Capital, 20,509 people will not get IPO as per the company’s IPO. The company’s IPO has…
Samaj Laghubitta IPO Result | Samaj Laghubitta IPO allotment | Merolagani IPO Result | Sharesansar IPO Result | Bizpati IPO result | Nepali Paisa IPO Result
The IPO of Samaj Microfinance Financial Institution will be distributed by Monday. According to sales manager Siddhartha Capital, the earliest Sunday will be Monday if not possible. Capital says final approval from the Securities and Exchange Board is yet to come. A total of Rs 1.19 billion has been applied for the IPO of the…
Samaj Laghubitta IPO Result | Samaj Laghubitta IPO allotment | Merolagani IPO Result | Sharesansar IPO Result | Bizpati IPO result | Nepali Paisa IPO Result
IPO allotment of Samaj Laghubitta | IPO Result of Samaj Laghubitta | Merolagani IPO Result The IPO allotment of samaj laghubitta is finished today at the office of Siddhartha capital. Samaj laghubitta bittya sanstha limited had issued 86,000 (Eighty Six thousand) units Initial Public Offering to the general public worth rupees 86,00,000 (Eighty six lakh) to the general…
NRN Infrastructure IPO Result | NRN IPO Result | Merolagani IPO Result | IPO result of NRN Infrastructure
NRN Infrastructure IPO Result मिति : २०७७ श्रावण २७ गते समय : बिहान ९ बजे स्थान : सानिमा क्यापिटलको कार्यालय Click Here for the Result How to View IPO result after the allotment of the IPO of NRN Infrastructure There are different sites by which we can see the result IPO result of NRN infrastructure…
NRN Infrastructure IPO Result | NRN IPO Result | Merolagani IPO Result
NRN Infrastructure IPO Result NRN Infrastructure IPO Result मिति : २०७७ श्रावण २७ गते समय : बिहान ९ बजे स्थान : सानिमा क्यापिटलको कार्यालय How to View IPO result after the allotment of the IPO of NRN Infrastructure There are different sites by which we can see the result IPO result of NRN infrastructure development…