Category: nifra ipo result
Infrastructure Bank’s IPO allotment, around 500,000 got 60 units | merolagani result | nifra ipo result
The initial public offering (IPO) of Nepal Infrastructure Bank has been distributed to the public. The shares were distributed at 10 am on Friday at the office of NIBL Ace Capital, the bank’s share issue and sale manager. According to the sales manager NIBL Ace Capital, those who demand up to 50 units have got…
NIFRA IPO Result | NIFRA IPO allotment | Click Here For Result | nepal infrastructure Bank IPO result | Nepal Infrastructure Bank IPO allotment
The IPO allotment date of NIFRA is fixed. NIBL Ace Capital Limited will allot the issued the IPO to the public on Friday 29th January 2021, 10 AM . Nepal Infrastructure Bank Limited IPO allotment date. महिला लघुवित्तले माघ २८ गतेदेखि आईपीओ निष्काशन गर्ने NIFRA IPO Result | NIFRA IPO allotment | Click Here For…
NIFRA IPO Result | NIFRA IPO allotment | Click Here For Result | nepal infrastructure Bank IPO result | Nepal Infrastructure Bank IPO allotment
The IPO allotment date of NIFRA is fixed. NIBL Ace Capital will allot the issued the IPO to the public on Friday 29th January 2021, 10 AM . Nepal Infrastructure Bank Limited IPO allotment date IPO Allotment Date Magh 16, 2077 10:00 NIBL Ace Capital Click Here For the Result The applicant who had applied…