Category: samaj ipo result
IPO Allotment of Samaj Laghubitta 5,39,300 applicant were returned empty hand | Merolagani IPO Result
IPO allotment of Samaj Laghubitta | IPO Result of Samaj Laghubitta | Merolagani IPO Result The IPO allotment of samaj laghubitta is finished today at the office of Siddhartha capital. Samaj laghubitta bittya sanstha limited had issued 86,000 (Eighty Six thousand) units Initial Public Offering to the general public worth rupees 86,00,000 (Eighty six…
IPO Allotment of Samaj Laghubitta | Samaj Laghubitta IPO Result | Merolagani IPO Result | Sharesansar IPO result
The IPO allotment of samaj laghubitta is finished today at the office of Siddhartha capital. Samaj laghubitta bittya sanstha limited had issued 86,000 (Eighty Six thousand) units Initial Public Offering to the general public worth rupees 86,00,000 (Eighty six lakh) to the general public from Bhadra 4-8 2077. As per allotment module the total…